10 Compelling Reasons to Hire Professional Content Writers

“Hire professional content writers and money will start pouring in.” You may have heard that before. Well, it’s not really that simple and that straightforward.
But the fact remains: professional content writers can do quite a lot for your business (and for your sanity!).
I know that every company has someone on staff who is “good at writing”. And I’m not here to question that. A lot of people can have a knack for writing.
Still, would you buy a family car from a “passionate mechanic” who likes to dabble in care building in his spare time? Would you let a dentist perform open heart surgery on you?
I didn’t think so.
The same applies to the distinction between people who like to write or have a flair for it and people who truly are professional copywriters.
Now let’s take a look at why you should hire the latter.
10 Compelling Reasons to Hire Professional Content Writers for Your Business
At Idunn, we take great pride in the fact that all our copywriting packages are ROI-oriented. We never aim for vanity metrics. We always advise our clients not to care for meaningless traffic, but for the revenue that traffic brings.
In this context, I could argue that there is one single reason to hire professional content writers: they help you make money. But I know you need more than a promise to believe in something. So here are all the ways in which professional content writers can literally bring in money.
You Save Time
Time saving is the number one reason why companies big and small outsource content writing. You and your team won’t just be saving the time it takes to write your web content. You will also have more time to focus on core business issues.
Plus, professional content writers work much faster than amateurs. And it’s not just about typing speed. A professional writer can research and come up with a clear and compelling idea plan for the topic at hand much faster than someone who doesn’t write every day.
If you think about it, it’s absolutely normal: every skill is perfected in time. The more time you spend writing, the better and the faster you get at it.
You Will have Content that Adheres to Google’s Standards
A couple of years ago, Google published a document entitled Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Don’t worry; it’s not obsolete. This document is updated constantly. It started at roughly 160 pages and it now has more than 350 pages.
Yes, you read that right – 350+ pages on quality standards. And that’s just from an SEO point of view. To be precise, just from one of the search engines’ point of view.
Did you read it?
Of course not.
Well, we did. The professional writers at Idunn did. I’m not going to bore you with all the details in it. I just want to point out 2 of the key indicators mentioned in that document that’s brimming with guidelines on the standards Google evaluators to assign rankings to websites.
First off, E-A-T aka “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.” According to Google, high-quality pages have high E-A-T and, consequently, high rankings. The document doesn’t define what the 3 terms mean from Google’s point of view, but it makes one thing clear: search engines need to see authority content before they can decide whether your website can be trusted and ranked higher.
And expertly written content means, you guessed it, working with expert content writers.
Secondly, we need to speak about YMYL pages aka “Your money or your life” pages. Much like E-A-T, YMYL defines what good pages are in Google’s view. In their own words, YMYL pages are those that “could potentially impact the future happiness, health, or financial stability of users.”
Some examples include:
- Financial transaction or shopping pages (any page that allows your customers to pay for goods online or pay bills).
- Pages about financial information (advice on taxes, investments, insurance policies and so on).
- Pages about medical information (medical advice, information related to diseases and drugs, nutrition and wellbeing).
- Pages about legal information (immigration, court rules, divorce proceedings and so on).
- Any other page that may impact the safety, health or wellbeing of its readers (for instance, a page on home repairs – if written poorly, it can result in accidents or costly damages).
Thus, it goes without saying that YMYL pages need the attention of professional content writers. You don’t want to be responsible or liable for accidents, injuries, loss of health or material possessions due to bad writing.
Last, but not least, think about this: all the above information is just a small excerpt (summarized for brevity purposes) from a single set of guidelines. In other words, it’s just a small part of the guidelines, standards, rules and recommendations that professional content writers are very familiar with and that they use on a daily basis.
You’ll Get Better SEO
The SEO rulebook changes faster than the weather. You can see some of the most recent changes here, impeccably catalogued by Moz. And these are just the ones we know of.
Can you keep up with them?
Of course not – and why should you?
But do you know who can? Professional content writers. It is literally their job to know about any new algorithm update and to come up with ways to integrate the new rules in the content their write.
Plus, if you hire the right professional content writers, they should also be able to do keyword research on their own and boost your organic traffic within a couple of months (at most).
You Can Easily Stick to Your Content Calendar
Without a dedicated professional writer, you or your team write in between other tasks. I know very well how stressful that can be – I was there, hard at work and at being a Jack of all trades.
Despite your best efforts, you will end up postponing the publishing of a blog post or a white paper. Or, worse, you’ll end up postponing content updates on your website. Creating good content constantly is overwhelming when you have other things on your plate.
However, if you hire professional content writers you can easily outsource your whole publishing calendar to them. Of course, this also means that you will have to outsource content writing to people who can keep up with your deadlines – check out our guide on ROI-focused content writing outsourcing for help with that.
You’ll Get Content of Better Quality
A most unpleasant side effect of writing in between other tasks is that your lack of focus can easily be spotted in every turn of phrase. You may feel like you did a good job (and, under the circumstances, I’m sure it is the best anyone can hope for), but your readers and potential customers will see the difference.
I’ve said it before: great writing means respecting your reader. It means that when you sit down to write you think of nothing else than assisting or entertaining your buyer persona. But how could you do that when you have million other things on your mind?
Furthermore, authority content is what drives business deals today. 500-word keyword stuffed articles are (thankfully!) a thing of the past. In fact, it looks content quality is the main reason why B2B marketers reported an increase in their success over last year, according to CMI:
Image via Content Marketing Institute
So if there’s one thing you can’t afford to be relaxed about is content quality. In a time when Apple itself plans to invest $1 billion in original content, you can understand why it’s imperative that you step up your game.
Does this mean you should cut down on the frequency of blogging or creating other types of content? Not really. Here’s why:
You Can Create more Content
Companies that blogged 11+ times per month had 3X more traffic that those that blogged 0-1 times. I know, I told you that we are not focused on vanity metrics such as traffic. But take a look at what came from that traffic. According to the same HubSpot study, companies that blogged 16+ times per month had 4.5X more leads than those that blogged 0-4 times.
Yes, you’re right: 16+ times per month is a lot. No, it’s A LOT! But it’s also “healthy” for your business. What does 4.5X more leads per month mean to you? Could you translate that into cold, hard cash?
I know what it meant for some of our clients. And I couldn’t be prouder of their evolution and of how we helped reign in more qualified leads through authority content.
You Will Have the Right Content for the Right Audience
Do you know exactly who should read your content? I know you have a vague idea about who your target audience is, but can you pinpoint it with precision?
When you hire professional content writers, you should be able to. Of course, if they are the right kind of writers.
For us, making the distinction was easy: I handle hiring writers personally and I make sure that all of them have some marketing background. This means that they can easily identify buyer personas and write for them.
Flexibility in terms of tone of voice and choice of words is of the utmost importance for any professional writer. They can create content that is specifically designed to meet your potential customers’ expectation. They even use your buyer persona’s favorite words and expressions to connect with them.
You Get a Fresh Perspective on Your Services or Products
As paradoxical as it may sound, some companies have a hard time conveying the benefits of their services or products. When you hire professional content writers, they take the “third-party” approach. They examine everything with a fresh perspective and are able to come up with angles you may have never thought of.
I remember that, when I was leading marketing departments in various companies, my favorite periods were those when I had to hire and break in new member of the team. Irrespective of their level of experience, every single one of them, from the intern who has still in college to the seasoned marketer with 5+ years of experience, had something valuable to add to our strategy or implementation.
That’s because they were coming with a fresh view and no preconceptions. They had yet to learn what we had tried, what worked and what didn’t. Every single time, the new hires were able to give us valuable insight and ideas from the very first week of being there.
When you’re a new part of the team, you need some time to accommodate with the people and the brand. Until you’re fully “set in”, you tend to think more like a client than an employee. Better yet, when you work with a digital marketing agency or freelance copywriters for your content, that feeling never sets in. As independent contractors, we work on tons of other projects, so we never really “get comfortable” with a brand or company. For you, this means a fresh, non-obsolete perspective every day.
Your Content Will Be in Line with Current Trends
Remember the Google guidelines I mentioned earlier? Well, those are just a small part of what professional content writers know about their field.
In fact, the best of them are aware of trends before they become the norm. I recently contributed to a comprehensive piece on content marketing by MarTechExec. I was asked about my opinion on the evolution of content marketing in the upcoming years. My response focused on the way new technologies will impact the field and what marketers and business owners should expect. You can read the whole response here.
I wasn’t the only content marketing expert featured in this piece. Along with me, 20+ other talented marketers spoke about what the future holds in store. Their (our) opinions are valuable because most of the people featured in that piece are part of the select few who are actually writing the future of content marketing.
Professional content writers and content experts don’t just work by the guidelines suggested by Google or any other giant. They are very much aware of the trends in their field and they can help you stay ahead of them and beat your competition.
No more Typos and Mistakes
“Your” or “you’re”? “It’s” or “its”? Forget about such dilemmas. When you hire professional content writers you can rest assured that there will be no typos or errors in your content (if the editors are worth their salt, of course).
Full disclosure: I hate re-reading and editing my own work. I sometimes do it for our brand-new writers, just to be sure I give them a detailed enough feedback. But we also have an in-house editor who makes sure our clients get flawless copy.
Want to hire professional content writers that can boost your ROI significantly? You’re just one contact form away from them:
6 Comentarii la “10 Compelling Reasons to Hire Professional Content Writers”
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I quite agree with you. Outsourcing content is an integral part of building a business because it is about quality. It helps one to avoid common pitfalls that occur while writing. It’s also a good idea if you are on a busy schedule and would like to keep your blog active. Nice read.
[…] is the one that performs best in SERPs. No more keyword stuffing, no more meaningless content. Professional content writers and publishers need to focus on offering actual value instead of promotional […]