10 Compelling Reasons to Work with Professional Copywriters

I know what you’re thinking: why should I work with professional copywriters (and pay them!) when I can do the writing on my own? We’ve all been there.
Back when I used to work as a Marketing Manager, I was sure that I could do it all: marketing strategy, social media management and marketing and, of course, copywriting.
I didn’t realize that I was in way over my head until I started forming my team. At first, it was hard to let go of my tasks. But when I started doing it, everything changed.
I had time to focus on the strategy and on what a department manager should really do – give guidance to their team. Given the new state of affair, everything improved. I hired an excellent SEO copywriter who immediately understood my strategy and did an excellent job of implementing it.
This is when I first realized that doing it all on your own doesn’t make you a hero. You may think you’re saving money. But you’re actually risking losing a lot more due to sloppy, rushed jobs.
According to a recent study, only 25% of B2B marketers don’t outsource content writing or copywriting. 75% of them are doing it.
And here are some of the reasons that lie behind their decision.
10 Reasons to Work with Professional Copywriters
According to the same study cited above, writing is the most outsourced content marketing activity (44%), followed by design (41%).
Let’s see!
You’ll Get more Time to Focus on Your Core Goals
Copywriting isn’t a goal in itself – it’s a means to an end. If you are a Marketing Director or a business owner, copywriting shouldn’t be on your list of tasks at all.
It’s a waste of your talents, a compromise and a way to waste money – professional copywriters aren’t as well paid as top execs. Think about it this way: how much do three hours of your time cost? Now think about the cost of copywriting services for the same amount of time. Then go on and split it in half because whatever you can do in three hours, a professional copywriter can do it in half the time.
It Will Be Cheaper
When you work with professional copywriters, their talent doesn’t come cheap. But it’s worth it.
And, even more, it will be cheaper than having a marketer do it. Not only will it get done faster and better, but you won’t have to worry about collaterals.
If you outsource copywriting, you won’t have to pay for extra office space, a new laptop, health insurance, pension funds and, yes, even free water and coffee. That’s just one of the beauties of managing remote teams.
You’re Not As Good at Copywriting As You May Think
Sorry, but it’s true!
I met a lot of brilliant marketers who could spot good copy a million miles away, but couldn’t write it to save their lives.
You’ll be tempted to work on your skills and try harder. And that’s great. It may actually happen.
But do you really have the time to do it?
And are you sure you wouldn’t rather work with professional copywriters and do something that you really enjoy in that time?
Your Copy Will Be in Line with Your Strategy and Tone of Voice
When I did everything on my own, I used to think that I’m the best person for…well, everything because I had the best understanding of the strategy. After all, I had done it, right?
The truth is that good copywriters can also get it. And they can easily adopt your tone of voice. One of the most important traits of a professional copywriter is versatility.
For instance, when I hire new copywriters for Idunn, I always ask for samples in various fields. The more different, the better. I want to make sure that the writer in question can adapt their tone and writing style to different industries. If you want to find and hire copywriters that will bring real ROI, this is what you should start with.
You Can Forget about Grammar and Spelling Issues
Even though most people can easily overlook them, grammar and spelling mistakes are anything but professional. Your Internet presence (copy included) is one of your biggest assets and the primary purchase driver for your potential customers.
This is why you need it to be flawless.
At Idunn, for instance, we don’t just work with professional copywriters. We also work with editors to make sure all our copy flows naturally and it has zero grammar and spelling mistakes.
Your Copy Will Actually Meet Goals
“I friend/sister/relative who can write”.
Don’t we all?
But the secret to copy that actually sells isn’t (just) penmanship. It’s the ability to understand the buyer persona and write for them and them alone.
Your friend/sister/relative may be a great essay writer or a yet to be discovered novelist. However, without marketing and professional copywriting training and background, they won’t be able to write the kind of copy you really need aka the kind that brings ROI.
If you work with professional copywriters, on the other hand, this is exactly what you will get. They won’t try to impress you with their rich vocabulary or creative similes. They will write with one goal in mind: to sell your products.
Professional Copywriters Will Be More Objective
Yes, you can be too close to your own brand and too familiar with your industry that you’re having a hard time letting go of the jargon.
This will confuse your readers and make them look elsewhere for a similar product or service.
A professional copywriter knows exactly what your buyer persona responds to. They won’t overuse your jargon – they’ll just insert enough of it so that you look like an expert in your field.
Your Copy Will Always Be Optimized
And I’m not just talking about SEO – although you will be able to rank higher in Google with professionally written copy. I’m talking about optimizing each piece of copy for the channel it will be distributed on.
Email copy is different from PPC ads copy. A landing page also has its own rules for convincing and converting prospects. If you aren’t very familiar with all of these, then you’re definitely better off working with professional copywriters.
Your Copy Will be in Accordance with Recent Trends
It may sound shallow, but it’s actually extremely important.
Did you know that Google makes more than ten big algorithm changes each year? Plus, of course, a few hundred smaller ones.
Professional copywriters know and they always abide by the most recent update when writing new copy. They also know how consumer preferences change, if your buyer persona likes reading from a mobile or desktop device and so on. All these factors (should) influence the way copy is written.
Copywriters Can Make Anything Sound Great and Exciting
…without sounding like a pushy car dealer, of course.
A good copywriter can say “Buy now!” without using these words that have been heavily abused. Heck, they can even make a sales page sound helpful and get the reader to think it was their idea to make the purchase in the first place.
Want to work with professional copywriters that can turn words into well-oiled cash machines? You have come to the right place!
2 Comentarii la “10 Compelling Reasons to Work with Professional Copywriters”
[…] but not least, make sure that the professional copywriters you work with know that both SEO and conversion optimization are important. Some of them tend to […]
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