6 Life-Saving Tools to Help You Generate More Blog Titles

I’ve always been a big proponent of blogging with a purpose. In other words: of blogging when you have something to say instead of blogging to reach your quota.
I know, when you blog often, your traffic improves and so do your lead generation and your brand awareness. HubSpot even recommends blogging as often as 16+ times per month.
Image via HubSpot
That’s a lot. Correction: that’s A LOT! If you are an SMB or a bootstrapping startup it may not even be feasible, especially since the cost of copywriting services has soared lately (and for good reason – people need better quality).
However, no matter how often you decide to blog and how purposeful each of your posts is, you may still find yourself in a creative dry spell. Perhaps you need to come up with new topics or a few blog titles that will grab the attention of your readers.
We all know that headlines are perhaps the most important part of any blog post. It looks like only 20% of readers go past the headline and read the whole post. According to Moz, 80% of people simply read the headline and move on. Or perhaps they share your blog post or RT it.
That counts for something, too, right?
Sure, but it’s not the same as actual traffic to your website.
This is why you need compelling blog titles.
How to Create Great Blog Titles
In order to grab attention and clicks, your blog titles need to meet certain criteria. But here’s the catch: these criteria are different from industry to industry.
For instance, if you use the BuzzSumo or clickbait article title recipe “You Won’t Believe What He Managed to Do with a Simple Fork”, you’ll be labeled as spam in other industries. Would you click on “You Won’t Believe How Much Cash our Cloud Marketplace Can Bring You”?
I didn’t think so.
You can find some ideas for great headlines here. For the purpose of brevity, I won’t repeat them in this article. But I will list a few attributes of amazing blog titles that fit most industries, especially B2B ones:
Avoid gerund and stick to present time to inspire the need for action in your reader. Example: instead of “Rocking Facebook Strategy with 5 Tips” say “Rock Your Facebook Strategy with these 5 Tips”.
Speak directly to your reader. Use “you” if possible (without making it sound weird). Even if each reader knows you didn’t write your last article specifically for them, addressing them personally makes a world of difference.
Keyword Optimized
If possible, OK? Don’t go above and beyond and sacrifice readability just to insert your super long-tail keyword in the blog title. Check out the tools below for ways to naturally insert keywords in blog titles.
Remember: user intent is crucial to the success of your content. You don’t write for search engines; you write for humans first and foremost.
Don’t be afraid to let your expertize shine from the very blog title. You don’t need to be shine. If you’re an authority in your field, why not let readers know?
To that end, instead of saying: “An SEO Guide for 2020” try “The Game-Changing/Ultimate/Definitive SEO Guide for 2020”.
Still finding it hard to create epic blog titles? No problem! There are tools to help you with that.
Whichever one you choose, the important things is not to give up on coming up with the perfect blog title. According to a study, the headline is responsible for traffic variations of up to 500%.
Yes, you read that right!
How does 500% more traffic sound?
6 Tools to Help You Generate Amazing Blog Titles Instantly
The fact that you use such a tool to generate blog titles doesn’t mean that you have nothing to say and you just need to meet your weekly/monthly quota. It means that you are looking for better blog titles.
Plus, these tools can also help you come up with new angles on certain topics.
Let’s take a look at them.
HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator
It really doesn’t get any simpler than HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator.
All you have to do is type in three words (preferably nouns) related to your industry then click on “Give me blog ideas!”
In just a few seconds, you will receive a list of 5 blog titles to keep you going for an entire week. I did the simulation using “blog”, “traffic” and “title” to be in tune with the topic of this article. This is what I got:
As you can see (and as HubSpot says), the tool is not 100% fail-proof. You will need to tweak the blog titles a bit and even correct grammar. But it’s an excellent starting point!
Better yet, the tool is completely free and you can use it as often as you want.
Confession time: when I first learned about it, I gave it a try just for kicks and giggles. I was sure it will amount to (almost nothing). However, I was surprised to find fresh angles for topics I had already covered, as well as entirely new ideas that I since turned into blog posts.
Blog About by Impact
Blog About by Impact only needs your industry to get started.
After you enter your field into the blank space, you will get endless (or at least I never got to their end) title ideas. The blog titles generated also have a blank space in which you can add your own keywords.
Not happy with the first title? Hit refresh and get another and another and so on. Plus, you can also use the cute heart symbol to save the blog titles generated to your notebook. You know, just in case you don’t start typing your post right away.
- Portent Content Idea Generator
Say hello to AI with a human “face”. If you were curious about how these tools work, the Portent Content Idea Generator gives you not just the ideas, but the reason why it’s a good title.
This is the simple screen where you need to enter your keyword to get blog titles.
I added “digital marketing” and I got the following title (which I might actually consider writing), plus an explanation for every single word used in it.
To me, it feels like working with an agency. They create an amazing concept just for you and then they explain how they got to that concept.
Quite fun and helpful!
Blog Post Idea Generator by Fat Joe
Just like the tools above, the Blog Post Idea Generator by Fat Joe will help you generate blog titles for free. All you need to do is type your keyword or domain.
This means that the word(s) you type will be automatically considered keywords and added to your titles. You will get 10 “click-sexy” blog ideas almost instantaneously.
Not enough? Scroll down to the list of titles and you’ll find the option to get 100 more titles! This should be a range of choices wide enough for even the pickiest of bloggers.
- SEOPressor Blog Title Generator
Where else could you get the SEO-friendliest blog titles if not from SEO experts? The Blog Title Generator by SEOPressor is the perfect tool for those who put SEO first.
The best thing about it is that it does more than generate blog title. You can enter your keyword and take an additional second to describe it.
Hit the dropdown menu and choose between generic term, brand or product, event, industry, location, a person’s name and skill. This will help the software generate more accurate blog titles.
Not sure where your keyword fits in? No problem! You’ll get amazingly creative titles if you try it with more than one descriptor.
- Title Generator by Tweak Your Biz
“Just enter your topic and go!” The CTA on the Title Generator by Tweak Your Biz couldn’t be more accurate.
Click the appropriate box for noun/verb and the one for the appearance of the results and the software will generate blog titles that are closer to your needs.
You will get hundreds of results that you can download or print. Better yet, the results are already grouped by type or relevant audience. Here are some examples for my query (I input “marketing”):
Lists: Apply These 5 Secret Techniques To Improve Marketing
Best: Best Marketing Android Apps
How to: How To Make More Marketing By Doing Less
Questions: Are You Embarrassed By Your Marketing Skills? Here’s What To Do
Love: Everyone Loves Marketing
Sex: Can Sex Sell Marketing?
Celebrities: Albert Einstein on Marketing
Secrets: Cracking the Marketing Code
Snark: 5 Reasons Why Marketing Is a Waste of Time
Business: Fascinating Marketing Tactics that Can Help Your Business Grow
Motivation: 14 Days to a Better Marketing
Problem: Death, Marketing And Taxes: Tips To Avoiding Marketing
The Kitchen Sink: Attention: Marketing
I made no alterations to the blog titles this tool generated. As you can see, some of them can be used as they are, others need small tweaks, while others are simply unusable.
This is to be expected of every automated tool. However, it doesn’t mean they aren’t great for new ideas – especially when you don’t have a huge team to help you with brainstorming.
Plus, all these tools are completely free and you can use them as often as you want. Pro tip: even if you already found a great blog title on your own, try some of these tools to see if it can’t be bettered. It won’t take more than 5 minutes!
Need help generating blog titles AND amazing content to follow them? You’ve got it! Get in touch with our expert blog writers and let’s get started:
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