Think You Don’t Need Professional Web Copywriting Services? Here’s Why You Should Reconsider

Let me be blunt: you are not a copywriter. No, neither is your friend or niece who got straight As in English lit. Professional web copywriting services aren’t about knowing how to spell or about throwing in a few fancy words just to show off.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Any professional web copywriter will tell you that the language of a page that SELLS should be as simple as possible. Yes, even if your target audience is made up of doctoral candidates – you don’t want them to feel as if they are working when they are reading it.
Here’s the thing: your (potential) customers will generally forgive and forget a typo or two. Even a grammar mistake. [Not that I would recommend either of these]. But they will never forgive you making them feel stupid.
So should tackle your own landing pages and web copy if you can speak plainly and not get lost in Shakespearean metaphors?
Well, not really!
Don’t feel insulted. Instead, take a look at what professional web copywriting services can do for you.
10 Reasons Why You Need Professional Web Copywriting Services
The phrase we hear most often in the beginning of the collaboration with a new client is: ‘our website isn’t performing well enough’. Sales, conversions, traffic – all these are directly linked to the quality of your web copy.
When you DIY your web copy, you’re typically cutting your sales chances in half. Check out the 10 reasons why professional web copywriting services are the way to go. How many of them sound like you?
Google Doesn’t Exactly Love Websites with Unprofessional Copy
In 2015, Google released a document called “Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines”. The document is constantly being updated as Google updates their algorithm.
Why is this relevant to anyone who’s not an SEO writer, you ask?
Well, even if SEO is not your top priority, you probably still wouldn’t like your website to be buried by Google due to poor content. The 100+ in the document cited above cover the guidelines for quality content and the need to hire professional web copywriting services.
Why would Google do it?
Simply because there is more to great web copy than knowing your industry and your business. Copy that ranks well and read well (in other words: is loved by both search engines and visitors) is also about proper formatting, basic on-page SEO rules, linking and more.
The initial guide highlighted the importance of two acronyms: EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) and YMYL (Your Money or Your Life). Let’s take a close look at both of them.
According to the guidelines document, a high level of EAT means a high-quality page. In other words, any page has to prove its expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness in order to gain a good ranking.
How can you get authority content written? By working with professional web copywriters who know how to exude authoritativeness, trust and expertise through every word.
For example, a great copywriter knows the right balance of jargon and layman words to make a page both enjoyable to read and trustworthy in its industry. They also know that they need to do a lot of research to find out which competitors of yours the copy needs to beat and how to do it best.
Need copywriters that can get Google to love your copy and visitors to convert into buyers? Check out our copywriting services and let’s talk!
Your Money or Your Life pages should also adhere to the EAT qualities listed above. The significant difference between the two acronyms is that this one speaks about a specific subset of pages that Google deems extremely important. In their words, these are pages that “could potentially impact the future happiness, health, or financial stability of users.”
Some examples include:
- Financial or shopping pages (any page where people can pay for something)
- Pages that provide financial information (tax, fiscal, investment advice and more)
- Pages on medical information (any page on diseases, physical or mental health, nutrition or drugs)
- Pages that provide legal advice or information
- Any other page that may have an impact on the wellbeing of people (a page that teaches you how to choose the right running shoes, for example. If written poorly, the page can seriously impact someone’s wellbeing and even health).
If you have any of these pages on your website, you should definitely contract professional web copywriting services. As you can see, it is critical to get them right. A few missteps can cost you not just a penalty from Google, but also thousands of dollars in fines and/or lawsuits.
Professional Web Copywriters Know how Your Audience Likes to be Spoken to
Or they will put in the time to properly research your buyer persona.
Does this sound like you?
“Our amazingly skilled staff provides top quality services at an incredible price. You simply can’t afford to miss this offer.”
If it does, even a little bit, then you definitely need professional web copywriting services.
You see, this kind of lingo may have worked in the 90s. But it doesn’t anymore.
Your readers don’t want to hear about how great (you think) you are. They want to know how you can help solve their problems. With proof, if possible.
A good copywriter can turn the phrases above into something that gets people clicking the BUY button. They know what people respond to. More importantly, they know how to write copy that sells without nagging or haggling.
When You Outsource Web Copywriting, You Save Time
29% of marketers spend four hours crafting a 500-word blog post. 38% of them can do it in one or two hours.
And that’s only about content writing.
A blog post doesn’t have to be as convincing as a sales page (obviously!). When it comes to copywriting, the time spent grows exponentially.
There is more research involved. There is more time spent crafting a single headline or CTA. And, of course, there is more time put into making sure that no word will turn off your potential buyers.
Think about it this way: if you’re really good, you can spend one hour writing a (too short) 500-word blog post and at least five hours per web page. That’s at least six hours out of your weekly schedule burnt.
What could you be doing with this time?
Well, you could be doing what you do best: making sure that you are on your way to meeting all your business goals. Strategizing, coming up with brand-new approaches and keeping a close eye on your competitors.
Why bother with something you’re not a specialist in when you could outsource both content writing and copywriting?
You’re too Close to Your Own Business
Yes, that can happen.
It’s true that no one knows your business better than you do. But that doesn’t always work in your favor.
Allow me to explain.
Most business owners or in-house marketers and writers tend to write web copy or product descriptions that are filled with jargon and complicated terms. They use a language that is hard to understand by their target audience.
Let’s make one thing clear: this doesn’t mean that your clients are stupid. Not at all! Just that they don’t know (and, more importantly, they don’t NEED to know) all the technical details of your products.
For example, if you’re developing a new running shoe concept, you might find yourself so proud that you start to describe every material in it in detail. People don’t need to know that. They don’t need to know exactly what type of rubber you used.
When you hire professional web copywriting services providers, on the other hand, they will look at your new product from the client’s perspective. They will find the benefit associated with every feature and write about that.
This way, your audience won’t have to read tedious, technical copy that should only be found in footnotes and advanced users’ guides. They will read what they need to read in order to make a decision: how your product benefits them. Not how hard you worked to create it.
Professional Web Copywriting Services Save You Money
Sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? How could you be saving money when you pay someone?
Well, first of all, remember the point about saving time? As we all know, time and money are related. When you free up your time to work on what you do best (grow your business), you get more revenue.
Even more, odds are that web copywriting professionals charge less per hour than you or than you pay your in-house employees. Not to mention the fact that you don’t have to worry about benefits, insurance, office space (have you checked real estate prices in your area recently?) and more.
Say Goodbye to Spelling and Grammar Errors with Professional Web Copywriting Services
No, a typo didn’t kill anyone. But some of them may definitely kill brands.
Image via Buzzfeed
And even professional copywriters are humans. They have been known to make typos. But grammar issues are a whole different story.
When you confuse ‘their’ with ‘they’re’ or ‘there’, your audience will judge you. They will know that it was not the lack of attention, but the lack of grammar knowledge that got you there.
Image via Pinterest
This is the type of mistake a professional copywriter would never make. At least not one worthy of that name. So if you’re uncertain that you can write 100% correct copy, hire professional web copywriting services and make sure that your brand’s reputation is safe.
You Bring Unparalleled Experience on Board
However skilled your in-house staff may be, they have limited experience. Professional web copywriters, on the other hand, have worked with dozens if not hundreds of other companies.
They already know what works and what doesn’t. Most likely, they are already very familiar with your industry. If not, there is no one who learns faster than a copywriter on a deadline!
When you work with professional web copywriting services, you gain a bird’s eye view not only over what works in copywriting. But over what works in SEO, your industry, internet trends and more.
Which brings us to the next point.
Professional Web Copywriters Are Great Advisors
If you make the right choice when hiring a copywriting firm, you will soon learn that you can get more than great copy out of them.
This is a great point that was actually made by our clients.
What most of them appreciate about working with Idunn is the plethora of advice that comes along with their copy. How to promote it, how to find their competitors’ weak spots, how to benefit from them and, least, but not least, WHAT to write.
Even if your entire marketing strategy is finished and you have a clear path ahead, you should never dismiss the advice that comes from professionals in various fields. The level if insight they can offer is unmatched by that of generalist marketers.
Of course, getting that advice and implementing it is entirely up to you.
The key here is not to be offended by constructive criticism. No one likes to hear that they failed. Some don’t even like to listen that they could do better.
But the key to your own growth is accepting criticism from the right people.
Think about it this way: most professional web copywriting agencies and freelancers know that return business is the bulk of their work. If they offer criticism it’s not to offend you. They know that if your business thrives, they will thrive along with you. So they will fight tooth and nail to make sure every word they write for you has excellent ROI. Because they will profit from that ROI directly.
No Inspiration? That Never Happens with Professional Web Copywriting Services
51% of companies publish content daily and 31% of them publish weekly, according to a study by MarketingProfs.
Image via MarketingProfs
Say you find the time to write all that content and copy. But how on Earth are you expected to come up with new AND CATCHY topics so often, especially when you have other things to do, as well?
Sure, you can use a blog title generator to come up with more topics. But, while useful, a machine can’t tell you what your audience is interested in.
Professional web copywriter do this for a living. They know all about current trends and how to leverage them to provide you with timely and relevant content. Halloween, Christmas, Easter, even the Olympic games or the Bansky art piece being destroyed during the auction can turn into muses.
If you know how to turn the tables in your favor, of course.
And this is exactly what professional web copywriters do.
Thanks to their multi-disciplinary approach and multi-industry experience, they can come up with relevant and interesting topics faster than you can say: “What should I write about today?”
You Can Beat Your Competition Online
At Idunn, we often receive this request:
“I want website copy just like my competitor has.”
It’s easy to be seduced by someone else’s words, isn’t it? And when you’re not a professional copywriter, you immediately assume that your competitor has the best possible copy in the industry.
But that’s not usually the case.
A great professional copywriting service provider will take the time to analyze that competitor’s copy you liked so much, along with many others. All to make sure yours is better in terms of both SEO and CRO.
No one who copies their competitors can achieve great things. Yes, this is true even if you don’t copy word for word.
What you should be looking for into your competitors’ web copy is ideas to beat them. And if you hire the right team of professional web copywriting services providers, this is exactly what will happen.
The Case for Great Web Copywriting Services
Professional web copywriting services aren’t cheap. Not the great ones, at least. But they do bring ROI.
After all, this is what it’s all about. Saving time, beating your competition, looking good online, climbing in SERPs – all these translate into your bottom line.
And this is what copywriting should be about – bringing in cash.
Want to know how we can help you do just that – bring in more cash with professional web copywriting services? Fill in the form below and let’s talk about growing your business.
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[…] matter if you write your own content or hire a professional copywriter, we both encourage you to use Google Analytics. Keep tabs on the performance of your key pages and […]