How to Write Content & Copy that Sells

copywriting services

Your last blog post got 300+ shares on social media, so people must have really enjoyed it, right? Right indeed, but how much did it SELL? SEO buzzwords aside, traffic and social shares do not sell products or services. Sure, they may boost your brand awareness, but if you accustom people to coming to you for free information, that’s all you’re going to be – a great thought leader who loves his industry enough to spend hours creating free content for nothing in return.

However, if you do have something to sell, you should forget about traffic, SEO and social shares and focus on lead conversion in the first place. Here’s how:

  1. Don’t give too much away

I have a client who sells organic products and also offers some health coaching. The first thing that came to mind when I received the brief was: “Great! We should write about why natural therapies and organic products can help you maintain/improve your health. You know, educate people; once they know the benefits, they’ll buy.” Luckily, I stopped in time. For an online store, this is too long a sales funnel and way over the client’s budget.

What I did instead was write catchy recipes that used their products and added links to them. I also told people just a few things about the benefits of eating healthily. For instance: “this type of sugar has a lower glycemic index, so it’s ideal for people who want to steer clear of diabetes and avoid putting on weight.” What I did NOT do is use thousands of words to explain what a low glycemic index means and why exactly is this a good thing. Because I was not there to inform; I was there to sell.

  1. Spice up your copy with some controversy

Another client of mine is a personal fitness trainer. She deals with her clients in person or remotely, via Skype, so her online presence had to be impeccable. Granted, I could have written 10 blog posts detailing 10 workout routines for 10 different body types. But then who would have needed (and paid for) the trainer?

Instead, I started a “column” for myth debunking. Things like “You burn more calories if you exercise on an empty stomach – myth or fact?” (This one’s a myth, by the way, even though most people believe it). This kept people engaged and curious to read on; plus, it really appealed to her existing clients and built up her reputation. And she didn’t even need to share her trade secrets for it. Couple infographics like this one with short videos showing her clients’ progress and their testimonials == success!

  1. Spend 70% of your writing time coming up with great headlines

This doesn’t need too much explaining: if you haven’t caught the reader’s eye from the first few words, he’ll never read the rest of the copy. Obviously, you won’t sell anything, either. It’s all in the little things.

  1. Stand out from the crowd

I heard this more times than I could count: “Here’s my competitor’s website. I want something just like that.” But why? If there’s no difference between you and your competitor, do you know how the client has to choose between you two? Based solely on price, so, if you want to beat your competitor, you have two options: better, edgier content or lower prices. What would you choose?

Still not sure what your content strategy should be? Contact the Idunn experts and start selling through your website:

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Adriana Tica is an expert marketer and copywriter, with 10 years in the field, most of which were spent marketing tech companies. She is the Owner and Founder of Idunn. In October 2019, she also launched Copywritech, a digital marketing agency that provides copywriting, SEO content writing, and strategy services to companies in the tech industry.